Privacy Policy
This is the website of BIOEXPERIENCE.
Our postal address is
353 Saint-Nicolas Street
Montreal, QC, H2Y2P1
You can reach us by email at info@biooriginexperience or by phone at (438) 379-3652.
Information we collect
We collect information about a user’s operating environment (browser, operating system, screen resolution) to make our website more user-friendly for our customers. This information is supplemented by the use of Google Analytics to improve our website for our customers. Bioexperience also collects voluntary data from our customers for several purposes:
Orders – To ensure proper billing and shipping, we collect various information during account registration and orders.
Newsletter – We only collect the email address of customers who wish to receive our newsletter.
Product Reviews – Customers may submit anonymous or named reviews of individual products in our store. We do not store any account or email address information for product reviews.
Bioexperience does not collect involuntarily information, such as your email address. Our website records information about the computer (not the person) for each request (each page you view). We do not use third-party services to collect information other than the above-mentioned regarding Google Analytics, which tracks anonymous statistics such as browser, screen size, colors, operating environments, and the pages you visit.